Heineken #BackTheBars

Heineken #BackTheBars
Support your local heroes!
Support your local heroes!
Bars are part of life. It’s where we meet, laugh, share and have a good time. But during the new normal, they are struggling which is why Heineken wants to help you give life back to bars. #BackTheBars is all about setting up donation platforms for local initiatives which support bars and restaurants. Look below to see how they are active in your country.
Together we can keep the bars alive.
Help de horeca
Brinde do Bem
Café Solidarité
j'aime mon bistrot
Juntos voltamos já
Help gastro
Café Solidarité
Support our local F&B
Save our street food
podpor svoj pub
Verantwortungsvoll genießen!
Compra futura
Por tu restaurante